Manhattan  »  10019  »  W 57th St  »  322 W 57th St

322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019

322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019

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Building name Sheffield
Primary address 322 West 57th Street #SP57M
Neighborhood Clinton - Hell's Kitchen
Zip code 10019
Borough Manhattan
Block & lot 01047-2746

Sales & Tax Overview for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.

Tax class
Estimated property tax $33,256

Lot & Building Information for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

Lot sqft 52,866
Lot dimensions 175 ft x 200.83 ft
Building class Condo - Residential Unit in Elevator Building (R4) i
Building sqft 1,355
Building dimensions 150 ft x 150 ft
Buildings on lot 1
Structure type Highrise apartment
Year built 1978
Year last altered 2007

Zoning & Use for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

Residential units (DOF) 1

Unit Overview

Unit # SP57M
Square feet 1,355
Condo complex 101750

Other Property Data for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

New York property reports include comprehensive occupancy, development and violation information. Create a free account to access valuable data points such as:

Floor area ratio (FAR) for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019, including commercial and residential FAR, FAR as built and usable floor area.
Development maps such as planimetric, zoning, urban landscape, and HPD alternative enforcement program maps.
Violations for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019, including DOB violations, ECB violations, HPD violations and 311 complaints.

About 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

What is the year built & the total sq. ft. for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019?

322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019 was built in 1978 and has a total of 1,355 square feet.

What is the assessed value of 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019 and the property tax paid?

Assessed at $272,016, the tax amount paid for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019 is $32,717. For the next year, the tax amount for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019 is estimated at $33,256.

How many residential units does this building have?

This building has 1 residential unit(s).

Ownership Information

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Property owner for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019
Find out who owns 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019.
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Building contacts for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019
Building management:
Representatives (from permits):

Real Estate Reports:
Eliza Theiss, Apr 04, 2024 2024 Q1 Foreclosure Report: NYC Cases Exceed Half of Pre-Pandemic Figures, Queens & Brooklyn Supply 76% of Citywide Caseload
As foreclosure cases continued to tick up in Q1, Queens and Brooklyn supplied the bulk of the city’s caseload, while Manhattan figures started to dip.
Eliza Theiss, Mar 21, 2024 A Guide to Recent Changes to the Property Condition Disclosure Act for Purchasers and Sellers of Residential Real Property
While the original PCDA addressed various property concerns, legislatures deemed updates necessary to increase consumer protection.

Past Sales & Property History for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages, liens, and pre-foreclosures.

No recorded sales for this property.

Title Documents for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.

Date Type Amount Party 1 Party 2 Doc image
05/11/2012 - D
06/05/2012 - R
Amended condo declaration
03/02/2012 - D
04/16/2012 - R
Amended condo declaration
02/04/2011 - D
02/22/2011 - R
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

Access detailed property tax data for Sheffield - 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year: 2023-2024
Property tax: $32,718
Estimated property tax: $33,256
Tax assessor's market value: $604,481
Assessed value: $272,016

Assessment History for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Market value Assessed value Taxable Tax rate% Base tax Property tax Year over year change
2023/24 $604,481 $272,016 $261,701 12.502% $32,718 $32,718 +1.33%
2022/23 $591,490 $266,171 $263,210 12.267% $32,288 $32,288 +2.74%
2021/22 $578,512 $260,330 $256,858 12.235% $31,427 $31,427 -2.49%
2020/21 $640,479 $288,216 $262,738 12.267% $32,230 $32,230 +4.57%
2019/20 $626,081 $281,736 $247,105 12.473% $30,821 $30,821 +5.85%

Permits for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

The complete history of permits filed for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating and sprinkler systems is available with a free account. Available data goes back to 1990.

No recorded permits for this property.

Clinton - Hell's Kitchen Residential Market Stats

Access a detailed real estate market overview of Clinton - Hell's Kitchen so you can assess current trends, home values, types of properties sold and transaction volume.
View the median home sale price in Clinton - Hell's Kitchen and compare it to other neighborhoods in Manhattan.

Median Sale Price
7.1% YoY
Median Price/Sqft
-2.9% YoY
Manhattan Median Sale Price
-3.4% YoY


Distance to Subway
Closest station 8th Ave & 58th St at NW Corner
Station lines A-B-C-D-1
Distance (miles) 0.065
View subway map
Bus Routes
Name W 57 ST/9 Av
Line M57
Distance (miles) 0.062


Nearest elementary schools

Name Rating Att. zoned Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
The Speyer Legacy School NR No Private K-8 317 0.16
P.S. 35 NR No Public 4-12 290 0.21
St Thomas Choir School NR No Private 3-8 24 0.23
P.S. 111 Adolph S Ochs 6 No Public PK, K-5 408 0.28
P.S. 111 Adolph S Ochs 6 No Public PK, K-5 408 0.28

Nearest middle schools

Name Rating Att. zoned Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
The Speyer Legacy School NR No Private K-8 317 0.16
P.S. 35 NR No Public 4-12 290 0.21
St Thomas Choir School NR No Private 3-8 24 0.23
Professional Children's School NR No Private 6-12 196 0.25
Professional Childrens School NR No Private 6-12 176 0.26

Nearest high schools

Name Rating Att. zoned Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
High School for Environmental Studies 5 No Public 9-12 1,160 0.19
P.S. 35 NR No Public 4-12 290 0.21
Independence High School 1 No Public 9-12 262 0.23
Professional Children's School NR No Private 6-12 196 0.25
Professional Childrens School NR No Private 6-12 176 0.26

Neighbors for 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York

Here are the neighbors for Sheffield - 322 West 57th Street #SP57M, New York, NY 10019.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
147 W 142nd St, New York 14,000
240 W 98th St, New York 295,292
668 Riverside Dr, New York 43,135
497 Manhattan Ave, New York 6,804
121 W 132nd St, New York 4,872
114 W 118th St, New York 4,996
817 W End Ave, New York 116,255
454 Manhattan Ave, New York
67 W 107th St, New York 38,255
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