Suffolk County  »  11706  »  Harold CT  »  40 Harold CT

40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, NY 11706 Property Information

40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, NY 11706 Property Information

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40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Primary address 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore
Zip code 11706
County Suffolk
Municipality Islip
Parcel ID 181-3-52.7

Sales & Tax Overview for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.

Sale date 12/29/2020
Sale price $32,000,000
Arm's length
Current property tax $0

Lot & Building Information for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

Building class Other Storage, Warehouse and Distribution Facilities (449)
Acreage 10.8
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Zoning, Use & Area Overview

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Zoning district
School district Brentwood
School district 472812
Walk Icon
41 /100
Car-Dependent Walk Score
Transit Icon
0 /100
Transit Score
Bike Icon
45 /100
Somewhat Bikeable Bike Score

Other Property Data for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

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About 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

What is the market value of 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, NY 11706?

The current market value is $38,392,857.

Ownership Information

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Spaces for Lease in 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

No photo available
Rockefeller Group Logistics Park Bay Shore
Listing type For Lease
Listing date 04/17/2024
Last updated 10/28/2024

Property description:

55 Paradise Lane is one of three state-of-the-art distribution facilities in the Rockefeller Group Logistics Park in Bayshore, New York. Rockefeller Group has long recognized Long Island as a significant market for industrial development. With last-mile locations growing in demand, this brand-new facility provides the region with Class A distribution and industrial space as the market continues to expand and evolve. Containing 172,622 square feet, construction for 55 Paradise Lane has recently been completed. The distribution center includes 36-foot ceiling clear heights, 47.5-foot by 54-foot column spacing, 40 dock-high doors, 270 standard vehicle parking spaces, and 40 trailer parking spaces. Additionally, 7,317 square feet of office mezzanine space is included. 55 Paradise Lane offers convenient access to highways and methods of freight distribution. The property sits within 1.8 miles from the Southern State Parkway, 3.6 miles from the Long Island Expressway/Interstate 495, and 4.2 miles from the Northern State Parkway. For efficient freight distribution, reach the Long Island Rail Road’s Deer Park Station in 1.5 miles, John F. Kennedy International Airport in 4.2 miles, LaGuardia Airport in 38.8 miles, and the Port Newark–Elizabeth Marine Terminal in 59.6 miles.
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Nicholas Gallipoli
Thomas DeLuca
John Giannuzzi
Austin Fitzpatrick
Frank Frizalone
Suite name Space type Lease rate Available space Brokers
1 Floor Warehouse/Distribution Listing price not available 172,622 Nicholas Gallipoli
Thomas DeLuca
John Giannuzzi
Austin Fitzpatrick
Frank Frizalone
55 Paradise Lane
Listing type For Lease
Listing date 04/09/2024
Last updated 10/28/2024

Property description:

55 Paradise Lane is one of three state-of-the-art distribution facilities in the Rockefeller Group Logistics Park in Bay Shore, New York. Rockefeller Group has long recognized Long Island as a significant market for industrial development. With last-mile locations growing in demand, this brand-new facility provides the region with Class A distribution and industrial space as the market continues to expand and evolve. Containing 172,622 square feet, construction for 55 Paradise Lane has recently been completed. The distribution center includes 36-foot ceiling clear heights, 47.5-foot by 54-foot column spacing, 40 dock-high doors, 270 standard vehicle parking spaces, and 40 trailer parking spaces. Additionally, 7,317 square feet of office mezzanine space is included. Bay Shore is Foreign Trade Zone enabled under FTZ #52 and the grantee is Suffolk County, NY.55 Paradise Lane offers convenient access to highways and methods of freight distribution. The property sits within 1.8 miles from the Southern State Parkway, 3.6 miles from the Long Island Expressway/Interstate 495, and 34.2 miles from the Northern State Parkway. For efficient freight distribution, reach the Long Island Rail Road’s Deer Park Station in 1.5 miles, John F. Kennedy International Airport in 34.2 miles, LaGuardia Airport in 38.8 miles, and the Port Newark–Elizabeth Marine Terminal in 59.6 miles.The site is Foreign Trade Zone Enabled. The federal government’s long-standing Foreign Trade Zone Program provides many little-known import/export benefits for a wide range of business applications. By deferring, reducing, or eliminating customs duties, qualified companies can improve cash f low, lower inventory costs, and improve their bottom line through use of FTZs.
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Frank Frizalone
Thomas DeLuca
John Giannuzzi
Austin Fitzpatrick
David Frattaroli
Suite name Space type Lease rate Available space Brokers
Industrial Listing price not available 0 Frank Frizalone
Thomas DeLuca
John Giannuzzi
Austin Fitzpatrick
David Frattaroli
Active Listings For This Property:
For Lease No photo available
Rockefeller Group Logistics Park Bay Shore
40 Harold CT, Bay Shore
Property Industrial
Availability 1 Spaces listed / 172622 Sqft
Price Listing price not available
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Past Sales & Property History for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages and liens.

Purchase date Purchase price Buyer name Seller name
12/29/2020 $32,000,000

Title Documents for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.

Date Type Amount Party 1 Party 2 Doc image
04/21/2022 - D
05/15/2023 - R
12/29/2020 - D
05/27/2021 - R
(Bargain and sale)
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

Access detailed property tax data for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, NY 11706. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year 2023-2024
Base tax $751,184
Current property tax $0
Market value $38,392,857
Assessed value $2,795,000
Land value $3,140,110
Building value $35,252,747

Assessment History for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 40 Harold CT, Bay Shore, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Market value Assessment value Total tax rate Property tax Year over year change
2023-2024 $38,392,857 $2,795,000 26.876 $751,184 +1074.88%
2022-2023 $2,760,870 $228,600 27.969 $63,937 -9.34%
2021-2022 $2,463,362 $228,600 30.851 $70,525 -2.12%
2020-2021 $2,356,701 $228,600 31.519 $72,052 +3.37%
2019-2020 $2,014,097 $228,600 30.49 $69,700 +2.50%

Demographics By Zip Code

Total population 65,437
Median age 37.5
Average household income $134,137
Family households 72.5%
Occupied housing units 18,997
Owner occupied units 75.4%
Average number of people per household 3.42
Median year structure built 1963
Median value for units with a mortgage $431,800
Median value for units without a mortgage $434,200


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FEMA flood zone(s) X (See more on map)


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