6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 Property Information
6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 Property Information
- General
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- Tax
- Neighborhood
Primary address | 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon |
Zip code | 14506 |
County | Monroe |
Municipality | Mendon |
Parcel ID | 216.70-2-74 |
Sales & Tax Overview for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.
Sale date | 05/27/2014 |
Sale price | $216,000 |
Property tax | $6,453 |
Lot & Building Information for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
Building sqft | 1,532 |
Building class | One Family Year-Round Residence (210) |
Acreage | 0.19 |
Year built | 2005 |
Stories | 1 |
Rooms | 4 |
Bedrooms | 2 |
Bathrooms | 2 |
Kitchen | 1 |
Water supply | Comm/public |
Sewer type | Private |
Building style | Ranch |
Condition | Normal |
Basement type | Full |
Exterior wall material | Alum/vinyl |
Heat | Hot air |
Fuel | Gas |
Central air conditioning | Yes |
Fireplaces | 1 |
First story sqft | Register |
Zoning, Use & Area Overview
View more neighborhood information such as transportation, nearby schools and risk designations in the dedicated tab.
Zoning district | Register |
School district | Honeoye Falls-Lima |
School district | 263601 |
Other Property Data for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
Property reports include comprehensive occupancy, improvement and development information (where available).
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- • Improvements for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon , including their type, square footage, grade and when they were built.
- • Development maps such as planimetric, zoning, land use and urban landscape maps (building age and stories).
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About 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 was built in 2005 and has a total of 1,532 square feet.
What is the assessed value of 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 and the property tax paid?Assessed at $220,000, the tax amount paid for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 is $6,452.
When was 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 last sold and what was the last sale price?6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506 was last sold in 05/27/2014 for $216,000.
Ownership Information
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Past Sales & Property History for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages and liens.
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*Here are the three most recent sales for this property.
Title Documents for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date
Property Taxes for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
Access detailed property tax data for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, NY 14506. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.
Tax year | 2024 |
Property tax | $6,453 |
Market value | $323,500 |
Assessed value | $220,000 |
Land value | $29,700 |
Assessment History for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
Here's the assessment & property tax history for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.
Year | Market value | Assessment value | Total tax rate | Property tax | Year over year change |
2023 | $282,100 | $220,000 | 29.33 | $6,453 | -13.68% |
2022 | $236,600 | $220,000 | 33.98 | $7,476 | -1.99% |
2021 | $231,600 | $220,000 | 34.67 | $7,627 | -1.59% |
2020 | $224,500 | $220,000 | 35.23 | $7,751 | -1.04% |
2019 | $220,000 | $220,000 | 35.6 | $7,832 | n/a |
Create a free account to unlock extended information for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon, including whether it's located in FEMA flood zones, floodways or special flood hazard areas, as well as the Coastal barriers resources system area (COBRA).
FEMA flood zone(s) | X (See more on map) |
Access the detailed traffic volume map for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon to see estimated average daily traffic on streets surrounding the property as well as the types of properties in its vicinity.
View daily traffic map |
Nearest elementary schools
Name | Rating | Type | Grade range | No of students | Distance to school (mi) |
Park Road School | 6 | Public | K-5 | 419 | 3.55 |
Thornell Road School | 8 | Public | K-5 | 421 | 3.93 |
Mendon Center Elementary School | 8 | Public | K-5 | 785 | 4.84 |
Manor Intermediate School | 8 | Public | 2-5 | 603 | 4.86 |
Victor Early Childhood Center | NR | Public | PK, K-1 | 664 | 4.88 |
Nearest middle schools
Name | Rating | Type | Grade range | No of students | Distance to school (mi) |
Barker Road Middle School | 7 | Public | 6-8 | 712 | 4.09 |
Honeoye Falls Lima Middle School | 9 | Public | 6-8 | 502 | 4.84 |
Victor Junior High School | 6 | Public | 7-8 | 695 | 4.88 |
Calkins Road Middle School | 6 | Public | 6-8 | 668 | 4.92 |
Charles H Roth Middle School | 4 | Public | 7-9 | 610 | 6.12 |
Nearest high schools
Name | Rating | Type | Grade range | No of students | Distance to school (mi) |
Pittsford Mendon High School | 10 | Public | 9-12 | 1,036 | 4.17 |
Victor Senior High School | 8 | Public | 9-12 | 1,397 | 4.88 |
Honeoye Falls Lima Senior High School | 8 | Public | 9-12 | 735 | 5.13 |
Pittsford Sutherland High School | 9 | Public | 9-12 | 929 | 6.17 |
Rush Henrietta Senior High School | 7 | Public | 9-12 | 1,250 | 6.33 |
Neighbors for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon
Here are the neighbors for 6 Charleston Drive, Mendon.
Address | Square feet | Purchase date | Purchase price |
7 Pine Holw, Mendon | 2,333 | 04/20/2020 | $64,900 |
392 Taylor Rd, Honeoye Falls | 1,768 | 12/29/2014 | $169,000 |
404 Taylor Rd, Honeoye Falls | 1,888 | 04/13/2015 | $56,055 |
2 Charleston Dr, Mendon | 1,761 | 10/26/2005 | $247,000 |
8 Charleston Dr, Mendon | 1,726 | 06/28/2017 | $240,400 |
30 Assembly Dr, Mendon | 3,229 | 08/26/2004 | $78,000 |
20 Assembly Dr, Mendon | 3,036 | 06/22/2009 | $1 |
4671 Clover St, Honeoye Falls | 3,052 | 05/27/2021 | $975,000 |
9 Pine Holw, Mendon | 2,392 | 04/28/2006 | $437,256 |
12 Charleston Dr, Mendon | 1,854 | 08/14/2014 | |
4 Charleston Dr, Mendon | 1,532 | 02/14/2017 | $216,000 |
1322 Mile Square Rd, Mendon | 2,817 | 03/17/2005 | $35,000 |
1318 Mile Square Rd, Mendon | 3,039 | 10/18/2019 | $380,000 |
59 Hampshire Ln, Mendon | 1,846 | 08/03/2006 | $246,500 |
14 Charleston Dr, Mendon | 1,660 | 12/17/2004 | $217,056 |
55 Hampshire Ln, Mendon | 2,332 | 01/24/2005 | $1 |
57 Hampshire Ln, Mendon | 2,094 | 05/01/2024 | $423,000 |
11 Pine Holw, Mendon | 2,330 | 06/05/2024 | |
10 Charleston Dr, Mendon | 1,700 | 11/24/2020 | $280,000 |
4707 Clover St, Honeoye Falls | 2,280 | 08/11/1997 | $160,000 |