104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, NY 12574 Property Information
104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, NY 12574 Property Information
- General
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- Neighborhood
Primary address | 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff |
Zip code | 12574 |
County | Dutchess |
Municipality | Rhinebeck |
Parcel ID | 6.69-0-611.805 |
Sales & Tax Overview for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.
Sale date | 02/09/2024 |
Sale price | $559,000 |
Property tax | $8,899 |
Lot & Building Information for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
Building sqft | 1,260 |
Building class | Rural Residence with Acreage (240) |
Acreage | 15 |
Year built | 1950 |
Stories | 1 |
Water supply | Private |
Sewer type | Private |
Zoning, Use & Area Overview
View more neighborhood information such as transportation, nearby schools and risk designations in the dedicated tab.
Zoning district | Register |
School district | Rhinebeck |
School district | 135001 |
Other Property Data for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
Property reports include comprehensive occupancy, improvement and development information (where available).
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- • Improvements for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff , including their type, square footage, grade and when they were built.
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About 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
This Rural Residence with Acreage (240) located at 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, NY 12574 has a total of 1,260 square feet and a current price per square foot of $443.
What is the year built & the current market value of 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, NY 12574?104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, NY 12574 was built in 1950 and has a current tax assessor's market value of $624,500.
Ownership Information
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Past Sales & Property History for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages and liens.
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Title Documents for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date
Property Taxes for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
Access detailed property tax data for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, NY 12574. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.
Tax year | 2024 |
Property tax | $8,899 |
Market value | $624,500 |
Assessed value | $624,500 |
Land value | $532,500 |
Building value | $92,000 |
Assessment History for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
Here's the assessment & property tax history for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.
Year | Market value | Assessment value | Total tax rate | Property tax | Year over year change |
2024 | $624,500 | $624,500 | 14.25 | $8,899 | -2.96% |
2023 | $578,200 | $578,200 | 15.86 | $9,170 | -12.90% |
2022 | $578,200 | $578,200 | 18.21 | $10,529 | +0.47% |
2021 | $550,700 | $550,700 | 19.03 | $10,480 | +155.06% |
2020 | $233,600 | $203,200 | 20.22 | $4,109 | -2.79% |
Demographics By Zip Code
Total population | 293 |
Median age | 63.7 |
Average household income | $155,275 |
Family households | 48.4% |
Occupied housing units | 153 |
Owner occupied units | 100.0% |
Average number of people per household | 1.92 |
Median year structure built | 1938 |
Median value for units with a mortgage | $0 |
Median value for units without a mortgage | $0 |
Create a free account to unlock extended information for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff, including whether it's located in FEMA flood zones, floodways or special flood hazard areas, as well as the Coastal barriers resources system area (COBRA).
FEMA flood zone(s) | X (See more on map) |
Access the detailed traffic volume map for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff to see estimated average daily traffic on streets surrounding the property as well as the types of properties in its vicinity.
View daily traffic map |
Neighbors for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff
Here are the neighbors for 104 Russell Avenue, Rhinecliff.
Address | Square feet | Purchase date | Purchase price |
92 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck | 7,904 | 09/26/2017 | $3,100,000 |
40 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck | 8,280 | 09/07/2018 | $5,207,500 |
11-15 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck | 3,035 | 05/19/2017 | $100,000 |
138 Russell Ave, Rhinebeck | 4,337 | 07/20/2023 | $10 |
399 Mill Rd, Rhinebeck | 1,825 | 08/12/2020 | $795,000 |
52-54 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck | 5,525 | 10/15/2021 | $3,100,000 |
633 Mill Rd, Rhinebeck | 2,184 | ||
119 Russell Ave, Rhinecliff | 3,212 | 04/12/2024 | $2,100,000 |
82 Orchard Dr, Rhinecliff | 1,260 | ||
294 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck | 2,928 | ||
50 Linwood Rd, Rhinebeck | 30,456 | ||
555 Mill Rd, Rhinebeck | 2,284 | 04/24/2003 | |
79 Russell Ave, Rhinecliff | 2,484 | 08/18/2023 | $625,000 |
317 Mill Rd, Rhinebeck | 1,196 | 09/27/2017 | $310,000 |
7 Wyndclyffe CT, Rhinebeck | 1,836 | 05/22/2024 | $595,000 |
38-40 Ellerslie Rd, Rhinebeck | 8,243 | 03/11/2011 | $2,040,000 |
118 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck | 3,408 | 03/21/2011 | |
129 Russell Ave, Rhinecliff | 2,298 | ||
25 Wyndclyffe CT, Rhinebeck | 7,334 | 10/04/2017 | $170,000 |
80 Grinnell St, Rhinecliff | 1,134 | 04/01/1993 | $162,000 |