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118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 Property Information

118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 Property Information

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  • Documents
  • Tax
  • Permits
  • Neighborhood
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118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 1
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Primary address 118-11 Van Wyck Expy
Secondary address 118-11 139th St
Neighborhood Jamaica
Zip code 11436
Borough Queens
Block & lot 12011-0009

Sales & Tax Overview for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.

Tax class

Lot & Building Information for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

Lot sqft 1,940
Lot dimensions 20 ft x 97 ft
Building class Two Stories Detached (Small or Moderate Size, with or without Attic) (A1) i
Building sqft 840
Building dimensions 14 ft x 26 ft
Buildings on lot 1
Stories 2
Structure type Old style
Construction type Frame
Exterior wall Aluminum/vinyl
Basement type Full
Garage type Detached, frame garage
Year built 1930
Frontage(s) Van Wyck Expressway Sr East(narrow)
Nearest wide street Van Wyck Expressway
Distance to wide street
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Zoning & Use for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

Residential units (DOF) 1
Residential sqft

Area Overview

View more neighborhood information such as transportation, nearby schools and risk designations in the dedicated tab.

School district 27
Community district 12
Closest police station 1.32 Miles
Closest fire station 0.37 Miles
Walk Icon
71 /100
Very Walkable Walk Score
Transit Icon
61 /100
Good Transit Transit Score
Bike Icon
55 /100
Bikeable Bike Score

Other Property Data for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

New York property reports include comprehensive occupancy, development and violation information. Create a free account to access valuable data points such as:

Floor area ratio (FAR) for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436, including commercial and residential FAR, FAR as built and usable floor area.
Development maps such as planimetric, zoning, urban landscape, and HPD alternative enforcement program maps.
Violations for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436, including DOB violations, ECB violations, HPD violations and 311 complaints.

Alternate Addresses

You will find all alternate addresses for the property in this section.

  • 118-11 139th St, Jamaica, NY 11436

About 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

What is the year built & the total sq. ft. for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436?

118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 was built in 1930 and has a total of 840 square feet.

What is the assessed value of 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 and the property tax paid?

Assessed at $33,660, the tax amount paid for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 is $2,697.

When was 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 last sold?

118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436 was last sold in 06/10/1999.

How many residential units does this building have?

This building has 1 residential unit(s).

Ownership Information for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

View property contacts like owners, building management, representatives from permits and tenants with a free account. For LLC-owned properties, see verified real owners and phone numbers.

Property owner name for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436
Find out who owns 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436.
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Building contacts for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436
Building management:
Representatives (from permits):

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Past Sales & Property History for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages, liens, and pre-foreclosures.

No recorded sales for this property.

Title Documents for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.

Date Type Amount Party 1 Party 2 Doc image
10/05/2018 - D
10/11/2018 - R
Satisfaction of mortgage
01/12/2000 - R Satisfaction of mortgage
10/28/1999 - R Assignment, mortgage
07/13/1999 - R Mortgage
06/10/1999 - D
07/13/1999 - R
11/14/1994 - R Agreement
11/09/1994 - R Deed
12/20/1991 - R Satisfaction of mortgage
10/07/1991 - R Mortgage
09/20/1991 - D
10/07/1991 - R
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

Access detailed property tax data for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year: 2024-2025
Property tax: $2,697
Tax assessor's market value: $561,000
Assessed value: $33,660
Exemptions granted by city:

Assessment History for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Market value Assessed value Taxable Tax rate% Base tax Property tax Year over year change
2023/24 $522,000 $31,320 $12,533 20.085% $2,798 $2,517 -0.63%
2022/23 $455,000 $27,300 $12,473 20.309% $2,830 $2,533 +2.43%
2021/22 $488,000 $29,280 $12,386 19.963% $2,760 $2,473 +1.01%
2020/21 $500,000 $30,000 $11,634 21.045% $2,745 $2,448 +6.05%
2019/20 $445,000 $26,700 $10,907 21.167% $2,605 $2,309 +8.72%

Permits for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

The complete history of permits filed for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating and sprinkler systems is available with a free account. Available data goes back to 1990.

No recorded permits for this property.

Jamaica Residential Market Stats

Access a detailed real estate market overview of Jamaica so you can assess current trends, home values, types of properties sold and transaction volume.
View the median home sale price in Jamaica and compare it to other neighborhoods in Queens.

Median Sale Price
-1.8% YoY
Median Price/Sqft
1.9% YoY
Queens Median Sale Price
-1.8% YoY

Check out recently sold homes in Queens and see how their prices compare.


FEMA flood zone(s): X (See more on map)
Hurricane evacuation zone: 6 (See more on map)


Distance to Subway
Closest station Lefferts Blvd & Liberty Ave at SW Corner
Station lines A
Distance (miles) 1.359
View subway map
Bus Routes
Name 142 ST/120 Av
Distance (miles) 0.126


Nearest elementary schools

Name Rating Att. zoned Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
P.S. 123 5 Yes Public PK, K-5 669 0.36
P.S. 123 5 Yes Public PK, K-5 669 0.36
St. Clement Pope School NR No Private PK, K-8 0 0.09
St. Clement Pope School NR No Private PK, K-8 0 0.09
Success Academy Charter School-Nyc 13 10 No Charter K-4 310 0.12

Nearest middle schools

Name Rating Att. zoned Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Hawtree Creek Middle School 6 Yes Public 6-8 377 0.79
Jhs 226 Virgil I Grisson 4 Yes Public 6-8 943 0.79
St. Clement Pope School NR No Private PK, K-8 0 0.09
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity School NR No Private 0 0.34
Our Ladys Catholic Academy NR No Private PK-8 562 0.56

Nearest high schools

Name Rating Att. zoned Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity School NR No Private 0 0.34
Al-Ihsan Academy NR No Private PK-12 508 0.56
EPIC HIGH SCHOOL-SOUTH 3 No Public 9-12 388 0.79
August Martin High School 4 No Public 9-12 311 0.97
New Visions Charter High-Adv Ma/Sci Iv 7 No Charter 9-12 472 0.98

Neighbors for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica

Here are the neighbors for 118-11 Van Wyck Expy, Jamaica, NY 11436.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
118-15 152nd St, Jamaica 732 02/11/2016
240-02 141st Ave, Rosedale 1,392 07/20/2004
231-04 128th Rd, Springfield Gardens 1,850 06/24/1991
166-02 S Conduit Ave, Jamaica 1,056 09/10/2001
142-13 250th St, Rosedale 1,254 01/25/1991
59-50 Summerfield St, Ridgewood 3,840 02/06/2014 $650,000
166-30 Willets Point Blvd, Whitestone 1,800 07/10/2024 $650,000
219-225 Beach 86 St, Far Rockaway 4,000 11/07/1980
227 Beach 86 St, Far Rockaway 1,147 02/02/2024 $549,115
231-20 Mentone Ave, Springfield Gardens 1,344 04/11/1991
137-11 249th St, Rosedale 1,568 11/08/2021
140-27 246th St, Rosedale 1,958 07/26/2002
154-16 118th Ave, Jamaica 676 10/09/2001
32-11 104th St, East Elmhurst 2,880 05/03/2004 $560,000
14647 B Bayside Ave, Flushing 2,688 07/13/1999
117-22 202nd St, Saint Albans 1,168 05/02/2012
50-21 206th St, Oakland Gardens 1,381 08/09/2004 $528,000
127-13 149th Ave, South Ozone Park 1,800 01/05/2007 $662,120
163-10 Pidgeon Meadow Rd, Flushing 1,560 08/31/2021 $1,000,000
14647 A Bayside Ave, Flushing 2,800 10/23/2023
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