San Francisco County  »  94118  »  Clay St  »  3636 Clay St

3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 Property Information

3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 Property Information

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Primary address 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco
Zip code 94118
County San Francisco
Neighborhood Presidio Heights
Parcel ID 0994-005

Sales & Tax Overview for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.

Sale date 10/14/2022
Sale price $19,155,000
Arm's length
Property tax $230,100

Lot & Building Information for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

Building sqft 8,125
Building class Dwelling (D)
Acreage 0.161
Units 1
Stories 3
Bedrooms 6
Bathrooms 5

Zoning, Use & Area Overview

View more neighborhood information such as transportation, nearby schools and risk designations in the dedicated tab.

Zoning district Residential- House, One Family (Rh-1)
School district San Francisco Unified School District
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Other Property Data for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

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  • • Improvements for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco , including their type, square footage, grade and when they were built.
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About 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

How many square feet does 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 have?

This Dwelling (D) located at 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 has a total of 8,125 square feet.

What is the assessed value of 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 and the property tax paid?

Assessed at $19,538,100, the tax amount paid for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 is $230,100.

When was 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 last sold and what was the last sale price?

3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 was last sold in 10/14/2022 for $19,155,000.

Ownership Information

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Past Sales & Property History for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages and liens.

Sale date Sale price Buyer name Seller name
10/14/2022 $19,155,000
07/01/2019 $19,000,000
04/30/2015 $9,000,000
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*Here are the three most recent sales for this property.

Title Documents for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.

Date Type Amount Party 1 Party 2 Maturity Document Doc image
01/24/2024 Assgn deed of trust
12/20/2022 Deed of trust 01/01/2053
10/31/2022 Res energy inspctn
10/14/2022 Grant deed
06/17/2022 Affidavit change ttee
08/31/2021 Reconveyance
08/31/2021 Substitution trustee
01/15/2020 Deed of trust 11/01/2049
10/09/2019 Deed of trust 11/01/2049
07/01/2019 Grant deed
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

Access detailed property tax data for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, CA 94118. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year: 2024-2025
Property tax $230,100
Land value $13,676,670
Building value $5,861,430
Market value $19,538,100

Assessment History for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Assessment value Total tax rate Property tax Year over year change
2023-2024 $19,972,390 1.1777 $235,215 +1.83%
2022-2023 $19,580,776 1.1797 $230,994 +1.76%
2021-2022 $19,196,840 1.18248 $226,999 -0.31%
2020-2021 $19,000,000 1.1984 $227,696 +88.10%
2019-2020 $10,257,519 1.1801 $121,049 +7.23%

San Francisco residential market stats

Median Sale Price
3.3% YoY
Median Price/Sqft
-0.6% YoY
San Francisco County Median Sale Price
3.3% YoY

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Create a free account to unlock extended information for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco, including whether it's located in FEMA flood zones, floodways or special flood hazard areas, as well as the Coastal barriers resources system area (COBRA).

FEMA flood zone(s) X (See more on map)
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Faults and tsunami inundation zone map
Landslides and liquefaction map
Crime incidents map


Access the detailed traffic volume map for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco to see estimated average daily traffic on streets surrounding the property as well as the types of properties in its vicinity.

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Nearest elementary schools

Name Rating Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Presidio Hill School NR Private K-8 223 0.17
One Fifty Parker Avenue School NR Private K 0 0.41
San Francisco Expeditionary School NR Private 3-8 8 0.49
San Francisco Waldorf School NR Private K-12 404 0.62
Cobb (William L.) Elementary School 4 Public K-5 152 0.72

Nearest middle schools

Name Rating Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Presidio Hill School NR Private K-8 223 0.17
San Francisco Expeditionary School NR Private 3-8 8 0.49
Roosevelt Middle School 6 Public 6-8 694 0.54
San Francisco Waldorf School NR Private K-12 404 0.62
Town School For Boys NR Private K-8 417 0.74

Nearest high schools

Name Rating Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
San Francisco University High School NR Private 9-12 416 0.44
Drew School NR Private 9-12 291 0.58
San Francisco Waldorf School NR Private K-12 404 0.62
Wallenberg (Raoul) Traditional High School 8 Public 9-12 626 0.68
Academy of Thought and Industry NR Private 8-12 41 0.77

Neighbors for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

Here are the neighbors for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
201 Locust St, San Francisco 6,886 04/13/2017 $9,300,000
3660 Clay St, San Francisco 4,391 03/28/2011
210 Spruce St, San Francisco 3,698 10/28/2008
3750 Clay St, San Francisco 5,960 05/09/2016
3699 Washington St, San Francisco 8,545 10/18/2001
3675 Washington St, San Francisco 7,291 10/25/2022
225 Locust St, San Francisco 4,448 09/10/2021 $7,500,000
212 Spruce St, San Francisco 3,600
3620 Clay St, San Francisco 6,650 09/18/2000
235 Locust St, San Francisco 4,424 07/28/2021
3799 Washington St, San Francisco 11,287 01/11/2021
245 Locust St, San Francisco 4,424 05/08/2012
3662 Clay St, San Francisco 5,225 05/13/2005 $4,700,000
3600 Clay St, San Francisco 3,770 02/23/2024
3652 Clay St, San Francisco 5,115 12/15/2017
3696 Clay St, San Francisco 11,480 10/31/2011
214 Spruce St, San Francisco 3,638 03/16/2023 $7,200,000
3663 Washington St, San Francisco 6,068 03/09/2015
3746 Clay St, San Francisco 3,950 05/27/2014
3725 Washington St, San Francisco 12,370 10/14/2014 $8,900,000

Nearby ZIP Codes for 3636 Clay Street, San Francisco

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