23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 Property Information
23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 Property Information
- General
- Owner
- Documents
- Tax
- Permits
- Neighborhood
Primary address | 23-27 19th Street |
Secondary address | 23 19th St |
Neighborhood | Ditmars - Steinway |
Zip code | 11105 |
Borough | Queens |
Block & lot | 00890-0059 |
Sales & Tax Overview for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.
Tax class | Register |
Lot & Building Information for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
Lot sqft | 2,000 |
Lot dimensions | |
Building class | Two Family Converted from One Family (B3) |
Building sqft | 1,616 |
Building dimensions | |
Buildings on lot | 2 |
Stories | 2 |
Structure type | Row |
Construction type | Brick |
Exterior wall | Brick/masonary |
Basement type | Full |
Garage type | Detached, frame garage |
Year built | 1920 |
Frontage(s) | 19 Street(narrow) |
Nearest wide street | 21 Street |
Distance to wide street | Register |
Area Overview
View more neighborhood information such as transportation, nearby schools and risk designations in the dedicated tab.
School district | 30 |
Community district | 1 |
Closest police station | 0.67 Miles |
Closest fire station | 0.64 Miles |
Other Property Data for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
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Alternate Addresses
You will find all alternate addresses for the property in this section.
- 23 19th St, Astoria, NY 11105
- 25 19th St, Astoria, NY 11105
- 27 19th St, Astoria, NY 11105
- 23-27 GARAGE 19th St, Astoria, NY 11105
About 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 was built in 1920 and has a total of 1,616 square feet.
What is the assessed value of 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 and the property tax paid?Assessed at $80,880, the tax amount paid for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 is $7,148.
When was 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 last sold?23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105 was last sold in 04/06/2018.
How many residential units does this building have?This building has 2 residential unit(s).
Ownership Information for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
View property contacts like owners, building management, representatives from permits and tenants with a free account. For LLC-owned properties, see verified real owners and phone numbers.
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Past Sales & Property History for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages, liens, and pre-foreclosures.
No recorded sales for this property.
Title Documents for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date
Property Taxes for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
Access detailed property tax data for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.
Tax year: | 2024-2025 |
Property tax: | $7,149 |
Tax assessor's market value: | $1,348,000 |
Assessed value: | $80,880 |
Exemptions granted by city: | Register |
Assessment History for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
Here's the assessment & property tax history for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.
Year | Market value | Assessed value | Taxable | Tax rate% | Base tax | Property tax | Year over year change |
2023/24 | $1,585,000 | $95,100 | $35,331 | 20.085% | $7,956 | $7,096 | -0.65% |
2022/23 | $1,472,000 | $88,320 | $35,171 | 20.309% | $8,024 | $7,143 | +8.57% |
2021/22 | $1,220,000 | $73,200 | $32,956 | 19.963% | $7,441 | $6,579 | +1.25% |
2020/21 | $1,218,000 | $73,080 | $30,877 | 21.045% | $7,401 | $6,498 | +6.24% |
2019/20 | $1,129,000 | $67,740 | $28,897 | 21.167% | $7,023 | $6,117 | +1.99% |
Permits for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
The complete history of permits filed for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating and sprinkler systems is available with a free account. Available data goes back to 1990.
No recorded permits for this property.
Ditmars - Steinway Residential Market Stats
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FEMA flood zone(s): | X (See more on map) |
Distance to Subway
Closest station | 31st St & 23rd Ave at NW Corner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Station lines | N-Q | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Distance (miles) | 0.51 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bus Routes
Name | 21 ST/23 Dr | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Distance (miles) | 0.073 |
Nearest elementary schools
Name | Rating | Att. zoned | Type | Grade range | No of students | Distance to school (mi) |
P.S. 122 Mamie Fay | 8 | Yes | Public | PK, K-8 | 1,362 | 0.27 |
P.S. 122 Mamie Fay | 8 | Yes | Public | PK, K-8 | 1,362 | 0.27 |
P.S. 85 Judge Charles Vallone | 6 | No | Public | PK, K-5 | 637 | 0.50 |
P.S. 85 Judge Charles Vallone | 6 | No | Public | PK, K-5 | 637 | 0.50 |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School | NR | No | Private | PK, K-8 | 0 | 0.55 |
Nearest middle schools
Name | Rating | Att. zoned | Type | Grade range | No of students | Distance to school (mi) |
Is 141 The Steinway | 7 | Yes | Public | 6-8 | 1,182 | 0.87 |
P.S. 122 Mamie Fay | 8 | No | Public | PK, K-8 | 1,362 | 0.27 |
Young Womens Leadership School | 5 | No | Public | 6-12 | 580 | 0.54 |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School | NR | No | Private | PK, K-8 | 0 | 0.55 |
St Demetrios School | NR | No | Private | 4-12 | 278 | 0.56 |
Nearest high schools
Name | Rating | Att. zoned | Type | Grade range | No of students | Distance to school (mi) |
Long Island City High School | 4 | Yes | Public | 9-12 | 2,263 | 1.11 |
Young Womens Leadership School | 5 | No | Public | 6-12 | 580 | 0.54 |
St Demetrios School | NR | No | Private | 4-12 | 278 | 0.56 |
St Demitrios Astoria School | NR | No | Private | PK, K-12 | 575 | 0.60 |
St. Demetrios Annex | NR | No | Private | PK, K-12 | 0 | 0.61 |
Neighbors for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria
Here are the neighbors for 23-27 19th Street, Astoria, NY 11105.