Real Estate Terms Dictionary

Certified Copy of Will

Definition of 'Certified Copy of Will'

A Certified Copy of Will refers to the copy of the original will, a copy that was identified as true by official institutions.

What is a Certified Copy of Will:

A certified copy of any document refers to any reproduction (copy) of an original document that has been stamped and identified as true by certain persons designated by official institutions. Often, but not always, notaries can certify these copies. The certified copy does not certify the validity of the primary document, only that of the copy.

A probated or certified copy of the will of the executor of a property can usually be obtained from the county courthouse where the will was registered.


Here's a real-life example from one of the properties researched on PropertyShark:

Certified copy of will- example


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The glossary is intended to provide real estate professionals and home buyers with a basic understanding of various specialized terms related to legal rights over a property. All terms appear in public records such as ACRIS. We do not take responsibility for the legal accuracy of the definitions provided and ask that use of these explanations in a legal setting be made only after checking with a lawyer or another specialist in the field.