New York City  »  10018  »  W 39th St  »  54 W 39th St

54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018 Property Information

54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018 Property Information

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  • Owner
  • Documents
  • Tax
  • Permits
  • Neighborhood
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54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018 2
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Primary address 54 West 39th Street
Neighborhood Garment District
Zip code 10018
Borough Manhattan
Block & lot 00840-0078

Sales & Tax Overview for 54 West 39th Street, New York

View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.

Tax class
Estimated property tax $207,063

Lot & Building Information for 54 West 39th Street, New York

Lot sqft 3,433
Lot dimensions 35 ft x 98.75 ft
Building class Office with Commercial 7-19 Stories (O6) i
Building sqft 43,250
Building dimensions 35 ft x 99 ft
Buildings on lot 1
Stories 16
Year built 1924
Year last altered 2012
Construction type
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Zoning & Use for 54 West 39th Street, New York

Commercial units 16
Office sqft
Retail sqft
Conversion feasibility index NEW i

Area Overview

Walk Score
Transit Score
Bike Score

School district 2
Community district 5
Closest police station 0.52 Miles
Closest fire station 0.22 Miles

View more neighborhood information such as transportation, nearby schools and risk designations in the dedicated tab.

Other Property Data for 54 West 39th Street, New York

New York property reports include comprehensive occupancy, development and violation information. Create a free account to access valuable data points such as:

Floor area ratio (FAR) for 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018, including commercial and residential FAR, FAR as built and usable floor area.
Development maps such as planimetric, zoning, urban landscape, and HPD alternative enforcement program maps.
Violations for 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018, including DOB violations, ECB violations, HPD violations and 311 complaints.

About 54 West 39th Street, New York

How many square feet does 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018 have?

This Office with Commercial 7-19 Stories (O6) located at 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018 has a total of 43,250 square feet.

What is the year built & the current market value of 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018?

54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018 was built in 1924 and has a current tax assessor's market value of $4,505,000.

How many commercial spaces does this building have?

This building has 16 commercial spaces available for lease. There are 4 active listings at this address.

Ownership Information for 54 West 39th Street, New York

View property contacts like owners, building management, representatives from permits and tenants with a free account. For LLC-owned properties, see verified real owners and phone numbers.

Property owner name for 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018
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Building contacts for 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018
Building management:
Representatives (from permits):

Spaces for Lease in 54 West 39th Street, New York

54 West 39th Street
Listing type For Lease
Listing date 07/14/2018
Last updated 01/23/2025
Lot size 0.08 Acre
View Listing


Ravi Idnani
Suite name Space type Lease rate Available space Brokers
6th Floor General Office $40/Sqft/Year 3,500 Ravi Idnani
7th Floor General Office $40/Sqft/Year 3,500 Ravi Idnani
12th Floor General Office $40/Sqft/Year 3,500 Ravi Idnani
10th Floor General Office $40/Sqft/Year 1,500 Ravi Idnani
Active Listings For This Property:
For Lease 54 West 39th Street
54 West 39th Street
54 West 39th Street, New York
Property General Office
Availability 4 Spaces listed / 12000 Sqft
Price $40/Sqft/Year
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Past Sales & Property History for 54 West 39th Street, New York

Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 54 West 39th Street, New York, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages, liens, and pre-foreclosures.

No recorded sales for this property.

Title Documents for 54 West 39th Street, New York

To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.

Date Type Amount Party 1 Party 2 Doc image
12/14/2023 - D
10/15/2024 - R
Asgn of asgn of L&R
12/14/2023 - D
10/15/2024 - R
Assignment, mortgage
03/12/2023 - D
10/15/2024 - R
Asgn of asgn of L&R
03/12/2023 - D
10/15/2024 - R
Assignment, mortgage
06/30/2016 - R UCC3 termination
06/24/2016 - D
06/30/2016 - R
Asgn of asgn of L&R
06/24/2016 - D
06/30/2016 - R
06/24/2016 - D
06/30/2016 - R
06/21/2016 - D
06/30/2016 - R
Termination of assign of L&R
06/21/2016 - D
06/30/2016 - R
Assignment, mortgage
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 54 West 39th Street, New York

Access detailed property tax data for 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year: 2024-2025
Property tax: $215,131
Estimated property tax: $207,063
Tax assessor's market value: $4,505,000
Assessed value: $2,027,250

Assessment History for 54 West 39th Street, New York

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 54 West 39th Street, New York, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Market value Assessed value Taxable Tax rate% Base tax Property tax Year over year change
2024/25 $4,505,000 $2,027,250 $1,998,990 10.762% $215,131 $215,131 +1.27%
2023/24 $4,457,000 $2,005,650 $2,005,650 10.592% $212,438 $212,438 +5.56%
2022/23 $4,201,000 $1,890,450 $1,890,450 10.646% $201,257 $201,257 +13.22%
2021/22 $3,673,000 $1,652,850 $1,652,850 10.755% $177,764 $177,764 -25.38%
2020/21 $5,375,000 $2,418,750 $2,227,770 10.694% $238,238 $238,238 +4.22%

Permits for 54 West 39th Street, New York

The complete history of permits filed for 54 West 39th Street, New York, including new construction or demolition permits, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating and sprinkler systems is available with a free account. Available data goes back to 1990.

Filing date Job type Job status Job description Initial cost
02/08/2023 Alteration
06/30/2022 Alteration
06/10/2022 Alteration
11/03/2021 Alteration
11/03/2021 Alteration
10/19/2021 Alteration
03/19/2020 Alteration type 2
02/13/2020 Alteration type 2
01/06/2020 Alteration
12/24/2019 Alteration
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Manhattan Commercial Market Stats

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Median Price/Sqft Q4/2024
1.7% YoY
Median Price/Sqft Q3/2024
14.5% YoY
Median Price/Sqft 2024
-2.8% YoY

Check out recently sold homes in Manhattan and see how their prices compare.


FEMA flood zone(s): X (See more on map)


Distance to Subway
Closest station 6th Ave & 40th St at SE Corner
Station lines B-D-F-M-7
Distance (miles) 0.071
View subway map
Bus Routes
Name 6 Av/W 38 St
Distance (miles) 0.061

Neighbors for 54 West 39th Street, New York

Here are the neighbors for 54 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
210 E 118th St, New York 29,280 07/24/2003
621 W 138th St, New York 2,535
301 E 87th St, New York 138,304 09/23/1986
49 E 86th St, New York 86,553 11/15/2011 $55,000
25 Sutton Pl S, New York 537,750 08/17/2004 $1,020,000
2875 Broadway, New York 24,400 10/28/2021 $35,000,000
3647 Broadway, New York 123,314 07/21/1999
425 E 9th St, New York 3,765 05/24/1986
2 E 80th St, New York 13,500 06/04/1980
245 W 107th St, New York 197,170 04/17/1980
837 11th Ave, New York 12,707 02/22/2016 $4,000,000
548 W 160th St, New York 10/07/2003 $76,100
342-392 1st Ave, New York 3,122,165 12/18/2015 $1,345,485,020
508 W 126th St, New York 3,750 03/19/2004 $610,000
208 W 30th St, New York 77,556 06/17/2004 $13,238,625
2182 3rd Ave, New York 98,184 02/27/2014
270 Seaman Ave, New York 50,066 05/09/2016 $537,500
45 E End Ave, New York 195,000 09/24/1981
163 A W 228th St, New York 2,886 05/17/2016 $685,000
520 E 6th St, New York 6,750 06/09/2008
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