Bronx Real Estate Market Trends

Market Overview for December, 2024

Median Sale Price


-8% YoY

Median Price/Sqft


1.1% YoY

No. of Transactions


128.1% YoY

New York City Median Sale Price


2% YoY

What is the median sale price and median price per sq ft in Bronx?
The median home sale price in Bronx as of December was $295K, down 8% year-over-year. A total of 292 assets were sold, representing a 128.1% growth compared to December last year. The median price per square foot was $367, a 1.1% YoY change. In December, the median home sale price in New York City was $746K.

Bronx Median Sale Price

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Median Sale Price Per Square Feet

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Real Estate Transactions in Bronx

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Top Neighborhoods in New York City

Bronx median price compared with other neighborhoods in New York City

Property values in Bronx are lower compared to NYC Median of Bronx overall.

Most Expensive Neighborhoods in Bronx

Neighborhood Borough Median Sale Price
Spencer Estates - Country Club Bronx $800,000
Pelham Gardens Bronx $739,000
City Island Bronx $646,000
Throggs Neck Bronx $635,000
Laconia Bronx $588,000
Wakefield Bronx $579,380
Clason Point Bronx $524,900
Pelham Bay Bronx $522,500
Morris Park Bronx $437,500
Riverdale Bronx $367,500
Westchester Village Bronx $360,000
Spuyten Duyvil Bronx $290,000
North Riverdale Bronx $244,500
Bronxdale Bronx $225,000
Parkchester Bronx $225,000
Kingsbridge Heights - Jerome Park Bronx $207,500
Allerton Bronx $198,839
Fordham Bronx $167,500
Fieldston Bronx $164,000
Woodlawn Bronx $160,000

Residential Properties Sold in Bronx

Property Type Median sale price Y-o-Y Median sale price/sqft Y-o-Y Transactions
Condos $215K -12.2% $289 -8.2% 71
Coops $250K 13.6% $232 -29.6% 131
Houses $650K 0.8% $436 9.6% 91

The median house sale price in Bronx in December was relatively flat year-over-year at $650K. However, median condo prices in Bronx trended down 12.2% year-over-year to $215K. Median coop sale price in Bronx were $250K, a change of 13.6% year-over-year.

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