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825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Property Information

825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Property Information

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  • Neighborhood
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825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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Primary address 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills
Zip code 90210
County Los Angeles
Municipality Beverly Hills
Neighborhood Beverly Hills Gateway

Sales & Tax Overview for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

View detailed information on past sales, title documents and property taxes, including the assessed market value, in their dedicated tabs.

Sale date 04/09/2021
Sale price $45,000,000
Arm's length
Current property tax $611,106

Lot & Building Information for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Building sqft 10,376
Building class Single Family Residence - High Value Residence with Pool and Miscellaneous (0113)
Acreage 1.049 i
Units 1
Year built 1933
Year last altered
Bedrooms 7
Bathrooms 8
Heating/AC Central heating
Pool Yes

Zoning, Use & Area Overview

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Zoning district One-Family Residential Zone (R-1.X)
Weed hazard No
School district Beverly Hills Unified School District
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Other Property Data for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Property reports include comprehensive occupancy, improvement and development information (where available).
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  • • Improvements for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills , including their type, square footage, grade and when they were built.
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About 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

What is the year built & the total sq. ft. for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210?

825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 was built in 1933 and has a total of 10,376 square feet.

What is the assessed value of 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 and the property tax paid?

Assessed at $50,874,311, the tax amount paid for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 is $610,898.

When was 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 last sold and what was the last sale price?

825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 was last sold in 04/09/2021 for $45,000,000.

Ownership Information

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Past Sales & Property History for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Create a free account to view the complete sales history for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, including title documents, transfer conditions, mortgages and liens.

Purchase date Purchase price Buyer name Seller name
04/09/2021 $45,000,000
05/23/2019 $42,500,000
03/06/2018 $33,901,000
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*Here are the three most recent sales for this property.

Title Documents for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

To view the complete history of deeds, mortgages, assignments of leases and rents, and more, sign up for free. Available data goes back to 1966.

Date Type Amount Party 1 Party 2 Maturity Document Doc image
02/04/2022 Reconveyance
Substitution trustee
04/09/2021 Lease 04/26/2022
04/09/2021 Lease 05/01/2051
04/09/2021 Grant deed
(Sale for consideration - full DTT - Single parcel sale)
05/23/2019 Grant deed
(Sale for consideration - full DTT - Single parcel sale)
03/06/2018 Trust deed 03/01/2048
03/06/2018 Grant deed
(Sale for consideration - full DTT - Single parcel sale)
11/02/2017 Record of survey map
04/12/2016 Assignment of rents
Trust deed
04/12/2016 Trust deed 04/01/2046
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R: Recorded date
D: Document date

Property Taxes for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Access detailed property tax data for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Tax information included: property tax, market value and assessed value, exemptions, abatements, and assessment history.

Tax year: 2024-2025
Base tax $610,034
Current property tax $611,106
Land value $48,709,447
Building value $2,164,864
Market value $50,874,311
Tax per sqft $59

Special Assessments And Penalties for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Special Assessments

Abatements, financial assistance programs and non-ad valorem taxes levied as special taxes/direct assessments are applicable for this property.

Code Description Bill description Tax levied Phone number
00177 "safe Clean water program funding measure W"
03694 LA county regional park and open space district Rposd measure a (833) 265-2600
03071 Los angeles county flood Control flood control (626) 979-5498
00170 Los angeles county trauma/emerg SRVS Trauma/emerg SRV (866) 587-2862
06111 West vector mosquito LA west mosq ab (310) 915-7370

Assessment History for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Here's the assessment & property tax history for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, including the evolution of the total tax rate and corresponding property tax.

Year Assessment value Total tax rate Property tax Year over year change
2023-2024 $49,876,776 1.2008 $598,920 +2.97%
2022-2023 $48,898,800 1.1895 $581,651 +10.48%
2021-2022 $44,675,086 1.1785 $526,496 +0.33%
2020-2021 $44,217,000 1.186801 $524,768 +28.68%
2019-2020 $34,579,020 1.179322 $407,798 +79.61%

Permits for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

The complete history of permits filed for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, including new construction or demolition permits, complaints, plus any work pertaining to plumbing, heating and sprinkler systems is available with a free account. Available data goes back to 1990.

Issued Permit Type Sub type Valuation Expires Status
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Beverly Hills residential market stats

Median Sale Price
22% YoY
Median Price/Sqft
4.2% YoY
Los Angeles County Median Sale Price
7.4% YoY

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Create a free account to unlock extended information for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills, including whether it's located in FEMA flood zones, floodways or special flood hazard areas, as well as the Coastal barriers resources system area (COBRA).

FEMA flood zone(s) X (See more on map)
Fire hazard zone See more on map
Faults and tsunami inundation zone map
Landslides and liquefaction map


Access the detailed traffic volume map for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills to see estimated average daily traffic on streets surrounding the property as well as the types of properties in its vicinity.

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Nearest elementary schools

Name Rating Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Hawthorne Elementary School 7 Public K-5 556 0.68
West Hollywood Elementary School 8 Public K-5 432 0.80
Albert Einstein Academy For Letters, Arts & Sciences - Odyssey NR Charter K-12 156 1.49
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School NR Private PK, K-6 49 1.50
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School NR Private PK, K-6 49 1.50

Nearest middle schools

Name Rating Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Pacific Hills School NR Private 6-12 82 1.21
Albert Einstein Academy For Letters, Arts & Sciences - Odyssey NR Charter K-12 156 1.49
Maimonides Academy NR Private PK-8 531 1.63
Good Shepherd Catholic School NR Private PK-8 177 1.66
El Rodeo Elementary School NR Public K-8 550 1.66

Nearest high schools

Name Rating Type Grade range No of students Distance to school (mi)
Pacific Hills School NR Private 6-12 82 1.21
Albert Einstein Academy For Letters, Arts & Sciences - Odyssey NR Charter K-12 156 1.49
Harvard-Westlake NR Private 7-12 1,600 1.86
Moreno High (Continuation) School NR Public 9-12 17 1.89
Beverly Hills High School 9 Public 9-12 1,384 1.91

Neighbors for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

Here are the neighbors for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills.

Address Square feet Purchase date Purchase price
511 Stonewood Dr, Beverly Hills 8,251 06/20/2023
609 Mountain Dr, Beverly Hills 5,077
835 Loma Vista Dr, Beverly Hills 6,473 07/14/1999
510 Stonewood Dr, Beverly Hills 5,573 06/03/2021 $13,000,000
602 Mountain Dr, Beverly Hills 12/30/2020
520 Stonewood Dr, Beverly Hills 5,577 06/03/2021 $13,000,000
855 Loma Vista Dr, Beverly Hills 5,776 05/05/2021 $10,650,000
845 Loma Vista Dr, Beverly Hills 9,073 07/28/2003
605 Mountain Dr, Beverly Hills 7,871 01/09/2019
500 Doheny Rd, Beverly Hills 8,332 06/07/2021
1130 Schuyler Rd, Beverly Hills 25,437 11/23/2005
1114 Schuyler Rd, Beverly Hills 4,292 10/28/2020
1112 Schuyler Rd, Beverly Hills 15,249 09/24/2020 $22,113,000
510 Doheny Rd, Beverly Hills 7,392 09/21/2020
518 Doheny Rd, Beverly Hills 11,221 07/02/2013 $15,874,500
613 Mountain Dr, Beverly Hills 11,277 10/02/2014 $21,550,000
522 Doheny Rd, Beverly Hills 7,529 10/12/2021 $22,000,000
514 Doheny Rd, Beverly Hills 9,528 02/21/2024 $31,900,000
601 Mountain Dr, Beverly Hills 27,470 11/30/2022 $40,000,000
606 Mountain Dr, Beverly Hills 9,029 02/15/1995

Nearby ZIP Codes for 825 Loma Vista Drive, Beverly Hills

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