Search any U.S. address and find the owner of the property
A simple search will return detailed ownership records, including:
- Owner's name
- Owner's mailing address
- Owner's phone number and contact info one click away with People Search
- Tools for LLC owner searches
Once you have an account, you can find property owners by address by simply running an address search and unlocking the report. And, as an added bonus, the first report is on us, even for free account users.
Ownership Summary Sample
How to find the owner of a property
Once you've set up your account, running a property owner search takes only a few simple steps:
1. On the PropertyShark homepage, type in the address of the property for which you want to obtain the owner's name and contact details.
If you're not sure about the exact address, you can also search by neighborhood and zip code and browse the result list for your target address.
2. Explore the property's full report to identify the registered owner, as well as a wide range of property data from taxes to liens, permits, documents and valuations among many other data points.
In the case of NYC, you can also discover the real owner.
3. To contact individual owners, use the People Search function to instantly discover their phone numbers and contact information.
For institutional owners, such as LLCs and corporations, go to the Contacts tab and choose the relevant point person for your needs, such as the owner, administrator or resident.
4. Since many commercial owners choose to own through an LLC rather than specifically under their own name, it can add an extra layer of difficulty in figuring out the true owner, but there are ways to pierce the LLC.
Here's how to find LLC owners:
a. In the case of NYC, we have already researched Real Owners, so you can quickly access the information by navigating to the Real Owners tab.
Once here, you can browse the list of real owners and their verified contact information.
b. Outside of NYC, you can start by researching the LLC's address.
Once you've searched for the property you're interested in, open the property report, go to Title Documents and open its most recent deed, where you will see the LLC and the name of the owner or their representative and their address, listed in the address field.
c. If the name of the real owner isn't listed in the address field, simply open the deed document, where you will find both a link to the original document as well as a scanned image. Browse the document for signatures and names to discover the real owner or their rep.
You can also follow the same steps for other title documents such as assignments of leases or mortgage deeds.
d. Depending on your location, look up your state's Division of Corporations or the corresponding entity and research the LLC there (both with the full name as well as without the 'LLC' included).
Find all properties owned by an individual or LLC
If you're interested in a specific owner and their holdings, you have the option to run a property search by the owner's name and discover their entire property portfolio, including properties previously associated with them.
Our ownership data is frequently updated to ensure maximum accuracy, aggregating information from multiple sources, including:
- Title documents
- Assessment rolls
- Permits
- Notices
Ownership Portfolio Sample
- Currently Owned 1 properties
- Previously Owned 0 properties
- Associated With 1 properties
Find an owner's complete property portfolio
1. On the PropertyShark homepage, type in the owner's name and the location you're interested in - state, city, county or borough - into their specific search boxes.
For subscription holders, this will bring up the owner's full list of current properties, as well as the property owner's history with previously held assets. For users with free accounts, this search will reveal three properties the owner is associated with.
2. An array of filters will allow you to look up properties based on the owner's involvement and role with them, i.e., buyer, seller, lessee, borrower and various other roles.
You can also customize your search by filtering the source of the information you are looking for, such as mortgage deeds, sales contracts, assessment rolls and many more.
3. For even cleaner results that are easier to navigate, use the various tabs in your search results to browse Currently Owned, Previously Owned or Associated With properties.
Property Shark is a comprehensive real estate data platform that offers valuable insights into property information, sales history, ownership details, and market trends. It provides users with access to property records, neighborhood data, and investment opportunities. With its user-friendly interface and robust search features, Property Shark is a valuable tool for real estate professionals... See More
A. Marku
Property Shark has helped me significantly in my work, in reaching the property owners and managers of the buildings I need access to. If the information is inaccurate you are able to make a report to the site that it the either the name and phone number is incorrect so anyone else accessing the information will know it is wrong. I appreciate the fact that current email addresses are available at times also, it is an invaluable tool.
D. Collier
I use Property Shark on a daily basis to find contact information and confirmation ownership entity. It's an invaluable tool that enables me to do my job more effectively every day.
A. Roman
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