Foreclosures in Elmhurst, NY

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4 upcoming available foreclosure auctions currently listed

    Locked, Elmhurst, 11373

    • Elmhurst
    23,868 sqft, 4 story building, lot 0.18 acres (80ft front x 100ft depth), zoned R6, C2-3. 1 total units. Built in 1989. $1,868,400 assessed value. Building class: Office with Commercial - 1 to 6 Stories (O5).
    Auction 10/16/2024
    Auction time 11:00 AM
    Auction location Outside of the Public Entrance to the Theodore Roosevelt Courthouse, 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York 11201
    Date added 09/12/2024
    Plaintiff Axos Bank, Et. AL.
    Lien $ 5,726,340
    Judgment 07/26/2024
    Index no.
    Referee Frank Bruno, JR. Esq.
    Plaintiff's attorney
    Foreclosure type Mortgage foreclosure
    Auction notes
    Unit number

    Locked, Elmhurst, 11373

    • Elmhurst
    3,327 sqft, 6 story building, lot 0.19 acres (80.97ft front x 102.77ft depth), zoned R6, C1-3, C2-3. 1 total units. Built in 2014. $579,224 assessed value. Building class: Retail Space (RK).
    Auction 10/25/2024
    Auction time 10:00 AM
    Auction location In Courtroom 25 on the Second Floor of the Queens County Courthouse Located at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. , Jamaica, NY.
    Date added 09/23/2024
    Plaintiff Cathay Bank, Et. AL.
    Lien $ 1,015,769
    Judgment 08/22/2024
    Index no.
    Referee Martha Taylor, Esq.
    Plaintiff's attorney
    Foreclosure type Mortgage foreclosure
    Auction notes
    Unit number

    Locked, Elmhurst, 11373

    • Elmhurst
    Lot 0.10 acres (42.17ft front x 99.5ft depth), zoned R6, C2-2. $157,950 assessed value. Building class: Zoned Commercial or Manhattan Residential (V1).
    Auction 11/01/2024
    Auction time 10:00 AM
    Auction location At the Queens County Supreme Courthouse, 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. , in Courtroom #25, Jamaica, NY
    Date added 09/27/2024
    Plaintiff BP3 Capital, LLC. , Et. AL.
    Lien $ 3,125,392
    Judgment 07/25/2023
    Index no.
    Referee Dennis S. Cappello, Esq.
    Plaintiff's attorney
    Foreclosure type Mortgage foreclosure
    Auction notes
    Unit number

    Locked, Elmhurst, 11373

    • Elmhurst
    3,000 sqft, 3 story building, lot 0.07 acres (28.25ft front x 100ft depth), zoned R5. 2 total units. Built in 1920. $94,440 assessed value. Building class: Two Family Converted from One Family (B3).
    Auction 12/04/2024
    Auction time 1:00 PM
    Auction location The Queens County Sheriff's Office, Located at 30-10 Starr Avenue, Long Island City, NY, 11101 in the County of Queens.
    Date added 10/04/2024
    Plaintiff Rosa Zumaeta, Et. AL.
    Lien n/a
    Judgment 05/24/2024
    Index no.
    Referee Anthony Miranda Sheriff
    Plaintiff's attorney
    Foreclosure type Sheriff's sale foreclosure
    Auction notes
    Unit number