Foreclosures in Pomonok, NY

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1 upcoming available foreclosure auctions currently listed

    Locked, Fresh Meadows, 11366

    • Pomonok
    3,000 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.08 acres (36ft front x 95ft depth), zoned R3-2. 4 total units. Built in 1952. $265,500 assessed value. Building class: Four Families (C3).
    Auction 11/22/2024
    Auction time 10:00 AM
    Auction location At the Queens County Supreme Courthouse, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, on the Second Floor, in Courtroom 25
    Date added 10/25/2024
    Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. , Et. AL.
    Lien $ 454,916
    Judgment 07/14/2008
    Index no.
    Referee Swati Mantione, Esq.
    Plaintiff's attorney
    Foreclosure type Mortgage foreclosure
    Auction notes
    Unit number