Foreclosures in San Joaquin County, CA

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20 upcoming available foreclosure auctions currently listed

    Locked, Stockton, 95219

    • Stockton
    1,514 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.14 acres, zoned RLP. Built in 1973. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 2. $268,310 assessed value. Building class: Single Family with Common Wall (Duet, Half-Plex, Etc.) (017).
    Sale date 11/06/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Ave. , Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 09/30/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 226,857
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Candy Walker-Simon
    Trustee Clear Recon CORP.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee sale no. 119301-CA
    Loan date 09/06/2006
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95215

    • Stockton
    1,385 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.21 acres, zoned R-L. Built in 1961. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 1. $87,219 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/07/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Sale location East Weber Avenue Entrance, San Joaquin County Courthouse, 222 E. Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/07/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 165,036
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Sheri Shelton
    Trustee Prestige Default Services, LLC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (800) 793-6107
    Trustee sale no. 24-11398
    Loan date 07/14/2017
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95204

    • Stockton
    919 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.11 acres, zoned RL. Built in 1956. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 1. $296,514 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/07/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Sale location East Weber Avenue Entrance, San Joaquin County Courthouse, 222 E. Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/21/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 31,221
    Beneficiary The Mortgage House
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Sergio I. Aguilar
    Trustee MTC Financial INC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (800) 280-2832
    Trustee sale no. CA05000255-24-1
    Loan date 09/13/2021
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Tracy, 95377

    • Tracy
    2,720 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.13 acres, zoned PUD. Built in 2003. Bedrooms: 5, bathrooms: 3. $592,889 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/08/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/25/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 358,814
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Paul Bradley Vogt
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee sale no. CA-22-899830-CL
    Loan date 08/29/2007
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a


    • Stkn,Stockton
    Lot 0.17 acres, zoned CD. $93,458 assessed value. Building class: Parking Lots - No Fee (891).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location East Weber Avenue Entrance to County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/24/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 678,407
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Harbir Singh
    Trustee Assured Lender Services, INC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (877) 440-4460
    Trustee sale no. F24-00165
    Loan date 08/09/2023
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes Lien together for APNs: 139-130-06 & 139-130-07.

    Locked, Stockton, 95209

    • Stockton
    1,807 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.07 acres, zoned RL. Built in 2007. Bedrooms: 4, bathrooms: 2. $271,821 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/25/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 12,160
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Doris M. Hill
    Trustee Witkin & Neal, INC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee sale no. X23-06021
    Loan date 11/29/2023
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95206

    • Stockton
    1,905 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.12 acres, zoned RL. Built in 2003. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 3. $352,343 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/25/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 231,785
    Beneficiary Stearns Lending, INC.
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Abel Aleman
    Trustee MTC Financial INC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee sale no. CA08001620-23-1
    Loan date 01/11/2007
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95207

    • Stockton
    1,181 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.02 acres, zoned RMP. Built in 1985. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 2. $207,788 assessed value. Building class: Condominium Unit (011).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/24/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 24,377
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Michael Guerrero
    Trustee Affinia Default Services, LLC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee sale no. 24-07704CA
    Loan date 04/14/2023
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95202

    • Stockton
    7,389 sqft building, lot 0.17 acres, zoned CD. $447,820 assessed value. Building class: Store.
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location East Weber Avenue Entrance to County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/24/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 678,407
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Harbir Singh
    Trustee Assured Lender Services, INC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (877) 440-4460
    Trustee sale no. F24-00165
    Loan date 08/09/2023
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes Lien together for APNs: 139-130-06 & 139-130-07.

    Locked, Tracy, 95376

    • Tracy
    1,197 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.18 acres, zoned LDR. Built in 1956. Bedrooms: 4, bathrooms: 2. $61,929 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At East Weber Avenue Entrance San Joaquin County Courthouse 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton
    Date added 10/25/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 450,592
    Beneficiary Seattle Mortgage Company
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Julian H. Palomarez
    Trustee Northwest Trustee Services, INC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (866) 535-3736
    Trustee sale no. 240926623
    Loan date 06/22/2007
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes The entire amount delinquent as of 11/13/2024 is $450,591.53. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid an estimate of $450,591.53. Each oral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $45,059.15 must be presented before the bidding is closed. All extensions will be for 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance.

    Locked, Stockton, 95210

    • Stockton
    954 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.07 acres, zoned RMP. Built in 1984. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 2. $79,099 assessed value. Building class: Single Family with Common Wall (Duet, Half-Plex, Etc.) (017).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Ave. , Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/07/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 104,245
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Frank A. Fuentes, JR.
    Trustee Clear Recon CORP.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee sale no. 117477-CA
    Loan date 12/26/2005
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95210

    • Stockton
    1,690 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.23 acres, zoned RL. Built in 1994. Bedrooms: 4, bathrooms: 2. $222,241 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/13/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Ave. , Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/14/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 201,498
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Daniel L. Garcia
    Trustee Clear Recon CORP.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee sale no. 125020-CA
    Loan date 06/22/2006
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95215

    • Stockton
    1,008 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.17 acres, zoned R-L. Built in 1979. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 1. $190,177 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/15/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/25/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 260,512
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Darrell Martin Bishop
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (800) 758-8052
    Trustee sale no. CA-19-872294-AB
    Loan date 04/05/2007
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95206

    • Stockton
    1,180 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.15 acres, zoned RL. Built in 1968. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 2. $50,832 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/18/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/28/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 393,467
    Beneficiary California Reverse Mortgage Company
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Maximo Garrido, Sr.
    Trustee Alliance Title Company
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee sale no. 132675-11
    Loan date 04/21/2005
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $393,823.66. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $39,382.37 must be presented before the bidding is closed. All extensions will be for a 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance. The amount that must be paid if the mortgage is to be reinstated prior to the scheduled sale is $393,467.02 as of 11/17/2024, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated

    Locked, Stockton, 95215

    • Stockton
    1,372 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.17 acres, zoned R-L. Built in 1994. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 1. $142,424 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/20/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Ave. , Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/21/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 59,130
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Thelma Palmer
    Trustee Clear Recon CORP.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (855) 313-3319
    Trustee sale no. 124195-CA
    Loan date 03/05/2004
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95215

    • Stockton
    4,042 sqft, 2 story building, lot 1.13 acres, zoned R-L. Built in 1976. Bedrooms: 5, bathrooms: 4. $656,182 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/20/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue Stockton, CA 95202.
    Date added 10/31/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 539,345
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Manuel Lopez
    Trustee California TD Specialists
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee sale no. 86778
    Loan date 07/26/2018
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95207

    • Stockton
    840 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.01 acres, zoned RH. Built in 1972. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 1. $91,134 assessed value. Building class: Condominium Unit (011).
    Sale date 11/20/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location The East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202.
    Date added 10/31/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 16,125
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Salah Alamari
    Trustee Allied Trustee Services
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee sale no. 23-11472
    Loan date 08/07/2023
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95202

    • Stockton
    1,137 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.07 acres, zoned CO. Built in 1900. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 2. $61,439 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/21/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Sale location East Weber Avenue Entrance, San Joaquin County Courthouse, 222 E. Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/21/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 221,745
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Richard Badea
    Trustee Clear Recon CORP.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (855) 313-3319
    Trustee sale no. 124713-CA
    Loan date 04/15/2022
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95209

    • Stockton
    2,343 sqft, 2 story building, lot 0.19 acres, zoned RL. Built in 1978. Bedrooms: 4, bathrooms: 2. $167,803 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Dwelling (010).
    Sale date 11/21/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Sale location East Weber Avenue Entrance, San Joaquin County Courthouse, 222 E. Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/24/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 261,419
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Steven L. Stafford
    Trustee Affinia Default Services, LLC.
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (800) 280-2832
    Trustee sale no. 24-08006CA
    Loan date 07/15/2019
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Stockton, 95207

    • Stockton
    1,690 sqft, 1 story building, lot 0.08 acres, zoned RLP. Built in 1978. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 2. $257,639 assessed value. Building class: Planned Unit Residential Development (Purd) (012).
    Sale date 11/25/2024
    Sale time 9:30 AM
    Sale location At the East Weber Avenue Entrance Steps to the San Joaquin County Courthouse, 180 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202
    Date added 10/21/2024
    Unpaid balance $ 305,846
    Beneficiary n/a
    Beneficiary address n/a
    Beneficiary phone no. n/a
    Trustor Ted W. Johnson
    Trustee First American Title Insurance Company
    Trustee address n/a
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee sale no. CA2400290573
    Loan date 06/25/2009
    Loan amount n/a
    Loan doc. no. n/a
    Document no. n/a
    Date recorded n/a
    Notes n/a