Foreclosures in Alameda County, CA

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33 upcoming available foreclosure auctions currently listed

    Locked, Oakland, 94603

    • Oakland
    1,175 sqft building, lot 0.37 acres, zoned RM-3. Built in 2002. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 15, rooms: 5. $393,997 assessed value. Building class: Condominium - Single Residential Living Unit (7300).
    Sale date 10/08/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 08/19/2024
    Trustor Edna M. Phillip
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee ref. no. CA-23-970152-SH
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Emergency Exit to the Alameda County Courthouse, Located at 1225 Fallon St. , Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 348,997
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 08/15/2005
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94602

    • Oakland
    2,866 sqft building, lot 0.32 acres, zoned RH-4. 1 total units. Built in 1968. Bedrooms: 5, bathrooms: 30, rooms: 9. $650,000 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/08/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 08/14/2024
    Trustor Gwendolyn Rowe-Lee
    Trustee Gwendolyn Rowe-Lee
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee ref. no. 236771CA
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Emergency Exit to the Alameda County Courthouse, Located at 1225 Fallon St. , Oakland, CA 94612.
    Unpaid balance $ 1,469,586
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 10/20/2004
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94610

    • Oakland
    2,082 sqft building, lot 0.13 acres, zoned RD-1. 1 total units. Built in 1924. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 15, rooms: 6. $375,248 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/15/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/03/2024
    Trustor Johanna L. Douglas
    Trustee National Default Servicing Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (714) 730-2727
    Trustee ref. no. 24-00694-RM-CA
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 405,028
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 02/26/2014
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94605

    • Oakland
    1,099 sqft building, lot 0.08 acres, zoned RD-1. 1 total units. Built in 1924. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 5. $598,918 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/15/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/25/2024
    Trustor Christine Lanier
    Trustee Affinia Default Services, LLC.
    Trustee phone no. (916) 939-0772
    Trustee ref. no. 22-04438CA
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Emergency Exit to the Alameda County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon St. , Oakland, CA 94612.
    Unpaid balance $ 164,197
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 03/01/2007
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94609

    • Oakland
    1,710 sqft building, lot 0.08 acres, zoned RM-2. 2 total units. Built in 1910. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 20, rooms: 8. $1,253,681 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/15/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/25/2024
    Trustor Powerhouse Holdings, INC.
    Trustee S.B.S. Trust Deed Network
    Trustee phone no. (855) 986-9342
    Trustee ref. no. 2024-1333
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Emergency Exit of the Alameda County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, California 94612.
    Unpaid balance $ 1,356,643
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 04/20/2022
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94610

    • Oakland
    2,082 sqft building, lot 0.13 acres, zoned RD-1. 1 total units. Built in 1924. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 15, rooms: 6. $375,248 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/15/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/03/2024
    Trustor Johanna L. Douglas
    Trustee National Default Servicing Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (714) 730-2727
    Trustee ref. no. 24-00694-RM-CA
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 405,028
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 02/26/2014
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, San Leandro, 94579

    • San Leandro
    1,471 sqft building, lot 0.42 acres, zoned RS. Built in 2000. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 25, rooms: 5. $492,710 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Detached Site Condominium (1600).
    Sale date 10/17/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Date added 09/17/2024
    Trustor Raymond T. Wong
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (800) 280-2832
    Trustee ref. no. CA-24-990323-CL
    Sale location On the Fallon Street Steps of the Alameda County Courthouse Located at 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 219,595
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 09/13/2011
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94603

    • Oakland
    1,267 sqft building, lot 0.11 acres, zoned RD-1. 1 total units. Built in 1947. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 7. $524,284 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/17/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Date added 09/19/2024
    Trustor Lanh D. Ho
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (800) 280-2832
    Trustee ref. no. CA-23-962820-CL
    Sale location On the Fallon Street Steps of the Alameda County Courthouse Located at 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612.
    Unpaid balance $ 340,595
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 09/20/2017
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Hayward, 94541

    • Hayward
    1,324 sqft building, lot 0.07 acres, zoned RM. 1 total units. Built in 1925. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 5. $295,157 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/17/2024
    Sale time 9:00 AM
    Date added 09/17/2024
    Trustor Melissa Casillas
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (800) 280-2832
    Trustee ref. no. CA-23-958726-NJ
    Sale location On the Fallon Street Steps of the Alameda County Courthouse Located at 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 115,438
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 06/06/2015
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Union City, 94587

    • Union City
    1,116 sqft building, lot 0.11 acres, zoned R 5000. 1 total units. Built in 1900. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 5. $212,193 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/22/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/23/2024
    Trustor Das Leon Pollayil
    Trustee Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, and Crane, LLP.
    Trustee phone no. (866) 684-2727
    Trustee ref. no. 24-195171
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 55,986
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 12/03/1990
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94612

    • Oakland
    105,418 sqft building, lot 0.41 acres, zoned CBD-R. 74 total units. Built in 2019. Bedrooms: 82. $42,644,280 assessed value. Building class: Multiple Residential Building of 5 or More Units (7700).
    Sale date 10/22/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 10/02/2024
    Trustor VM Alice I, LLC.
    Trustee Chicago Title Company
    Trustee phone no. 1.866.684.2727
    Trustee ref. no. 24-00154-2CTT
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 27,338,476
    Beneficiary Prime Finance Short Duration Holding Company VII, LLC.
    Loan date 11/10/2021
    Loan ref. no. Halcyon
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94605

    • Oakland
    3,170 sqft building, lot 0.31 acres, zoned RD-1. 1 total units. Built in 1925. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 35, rooms: 7. $384,223 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/22/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/17/2024
    Trustor Herman Howard
    Trustee National Default Servicing Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (714) 730-2727
    Trustee ref. no. 22-30672-JP-CA
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612.
    Unpaid balance $ 1,233,861
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 05/23/2007
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Castro Valley, 94546

    • Castro Valley
    Lot 0.83 acres, zoned R1-BE-CSU-R. $867,167 assessed value. Building class: Vacant Residential Land, Zoned 4 Units or Less (1000).
    Sale date 10/22/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/23/2024
    Trustor Priority Acquisitions INC.
    Trustee Peak Foreclosure Services, INC.
    Trustee phone no. (714) 730-2727
    Trustee ref. no. CA-MSL-24020192
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California
    Unpaid balance $ 948,279
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 02/25/2016
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes Lien together for APNs: 084D-1250-022-02 and 084D-1250-022-03.

    Locked, Hayward, 94544

    • Hayward
    1,044 sqft building, lot 0.20 acres, zoned RM. Built in 1980. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 15. $460,845 assessed value. Building class: Condominium - Townhouse Style (7305).
    Sale date 10/23/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/23/2024
    Trustor Matthew L. Brabham
    Trustee Western Progressive, LLC.
    Trustee phone no. (866) 960-8299
    Trustee ref. no. 2024-00818-CA
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Emergency Exit of the Alameda County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 196,729
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 10/28/2005
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Alameda, 94501

    • Alameda
    834 sqft building, lot 0.12 acres, zoned R-1. 1 total units. Built in 1910. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 5. $71,158 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/23/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/17/2024
    Trustor Rodger T. Reilly
    Trustee Clear Recon CORP.
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee ref. no. 123637-CA
    Sale location At the Fallon St. Emergency Exit of the Alameda County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon St. , Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 679,863
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 07/22/2016
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94605

    • Oakland
    1,303 sqft building, lot 0.10 acres, zoned RD-2. 1 total units. Built in 1923. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 6. $582,390 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 10/23/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 10/02/2024
    Trustor Diriki Arrington
    Trustee PLM Loan Management Services, INC.
    Trustee phone no. (844) 477-7869
    Trustee ref. no. 200-019747
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Emergency Exit of the Alameda County Courthouse Located at 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 164,944
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 03/13/2023
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94601

    • Oakland
    2,302 sqft building, lot 0.10 acres, zoned RM-4. 2 total units. Built in 1920. Bedrooms: 3, bathrooms: 25, rooms: 8. $729,300 assessed value. Building class: Double or Duplex Type - Two Units (2200).
    Sale date 10/25/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 10/04/2024
    Trustor Alisha N. Fuqua
    Trustee Sokolof Remtulla
    Trustee phone no. (866) 266-7512
    Trustee ref. no. 2024-00299
    Sale location At the Front Fallon St Emergency Exit to the Alameda County Courthouse 1225 Fallon Street Oakland, CA.
    Unpaid balance $ 756,658
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 09/23/2022
    Loan ref. no. 1701127013
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94609

    • Oakland
    1,886 sqft building, lot 0.11 acres, zoned RM-2. 2 total units. Built in 1908. Bedrooms: 5, bathrooms: 20, rooms: 10. $804,141 assessed value. Building class: Two, Three or Four Single Family Homes (2100).
    Sale date 10/29/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 10/01/2024
    Trustor Delandro J. Brown
    Trustee Redwood Trust Deed Services, INC.
    Trustee phone no. (800) 683-2468
    Trustee ref. no. 24079-RT
    Sale location At the Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612
    Unpaid balance $ 801,878
    Beneficiary n/a
    Loan date 06/22/2021
    Loan ref. no. SP1394 I BROWN
    Notes n/a

    Locked, Oakland, 94605

    • Oakland
    1,108 sqft building, lot 0.20 acres, zoned RD-1. 1 total units. Built in 1946. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 10, rooms: 5. $73,793 assessed value. Building class: Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100).
    Sale date 11/06/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 09/25/2024
    Trustor Dolores D. Sharkey
    Trustee Fidelity National Agency Solutions
    Trustee phone no. (702) 659-7766
    Trustee ref. no. CA07000868-24-1-HC
    Sale location The Fallon Street Entrance to the County Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94612.
    Unpaid balance $ 761,610
    Beneficiary Reverse Mortgage Funding, LLC.
    Loan date 09/24/2021
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes APN: 048-6149-030, FKA 48-69149-30. The entire amount delinquent as of September 17, 2024 is estimated to be $752,156.58. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $761,610.08. When making their bids, all bidders except the Secretary must submit a deposit totaling $76,161.01 [10% of the Secretary`s bid] in the form of a certified check or cashier`s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. A deposit need not accompany each oral bid. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $76,161.01 must be presented before the bidding is closed. All extensions will be for 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance. The amount that must be paid if the mortgage is to be reinstated prior to the scheduled sale is $752,156.58 as of September 17, 2024.

    Locked, Hayward, 94541

    • Hayward
    1,125 sqft building, lot 2.15 acres, zoned PD-1913. Built in 1992. Bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 25, rooms: 4. $496,024 assessed value. Building class: Condominium - Townhouse Style (7305).
    Sale date 12/19/2024
    Sale time 12:00 PM
    Date added 12/28/2023
    Trustor McBride Elijah
    Trustee Quality Loan Service Corporation
    Trustee phone no. (619) 645-7711
    Trustee ref. no. CA-23-961069-SH
    Sale location 1225 Fallon St, Oakland, CA 94612, at the Main Entrance to the Government Center Hall of Justice
    Unpaid balance $ 376,556
    Beneficiary Countrywide Bank NA
    Loan date 11/07/2006
    Loan ref. no. n/a
    Notes n/a

Page last updated on 2024-10-05